
Monday 24 September 2012

Solutions for MM 7.0 Update - 3

Solutions for the general problems noticed in Update-3 to Meghdoot 7.0

Problem Noticed
Collation Errors while executing eMO script files
Please download the eMO.exland run.
Following error in Log file after running eCounter Script:

17:04:09:[Invalid column name 'SPCODOfficeName'.] : Script Execution Error : While executing statement CREATE  PROCEDURE [dbo].

This error can be ignored
Discrepancy in Generation of Voucher no. automatically while using Bank Remittance Option in Treasury Module when more than one remittance was made to the Bank on a particular day
Please download the Treasury.exl from ftp site and run.

Sub Accounts
 Invalid Column name 'remittancedetails3'
Pleasedownload  Sub Accounts.exe and replace the existing one.
Incorrect syntax near ….
Please download andRun SUBACCOUNTS.EXL
Error reading the File ….
Use the new Sub Accounts exe
Error "Dly_Select_EVPForIssuingtoPostmen has too many arguments”
Please download and run eCounter.exl

Unable to Return eMOs to Sender from Window Deposit
Please download and replace the new  Postman exe, eMODelivery.dll and eVPDelivery.dll and run Postman.exl
Script execution error  in offices where SQL 2000 is running
Please download and run Schedule.exl
error while operator logging into Despatch Application for the red bag entries clearance
Please download despatch.exe  and run counter.exl and  replace the  despatch.exe

In MBC/BPCs, Error “subscript out of range” while despatching a Bag.
Use the new Despatch exe
RNet Client
Syntax Error at the time of HVMO List Preparation
Please download and replace the new RNet.exe

List of BPC/MBCs not coming for the Bag Receipt option
Please follow the below steps:
 1)Please run the RegisterNet.exl
2) Give request for office master and hub master.
3) After the receipt of the data, first upload the office master and then the hub master.
R Net communication
Error Message in the log file "internet connection is Unavailable due to internet connectivity.
Please download and replace the new RNetCommunication.exe
Error “Channel http is not registered with remoting services”
Please register RegisterCACft.exe

The Script files and Exes mentioned above can be downloaded from the location.

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